UlizaHOW? only collects the following personal information for the purpose of helping the Generous Funder abroad, to whom you're being connected with, have a general picture of yours as s/he does not know you.

1. Your first name, not full name but first name only which is enough for your Generous-Funder to identify you by a name.

2. The kind of business you're running. It's imperative for your Generous-Funder to have an idea of the kind of business you're running.

3. Your business location. It's also imperative for your Generous-Funder to picture where your business is located in Kenya. This includes a street or estate in a city, a town or a village and the county.

4. Your email address. This is a crucial one as communication between you and your Generous-Funder will be done strictly through email.

5. Your phone number. This is optional. It needed to send you an sms notification when your selected Generous-Funder sends the first reply to your request for a financial help. If you want to receive an sms notification then you have to provide a phone number but if you don't want to receive an sms notification then you shall not provide a phone number.

Among the three mandatory requirements,

(1) Email address. Find explanation above in point 4.

(2) Bank account. UlizaHOW? will never collect your bank details. This information will be needed by your Generous-Funder if you qualify for their financial help. Your Generous-Funder is the one who'll forward your bank details to UlizaHOW? so that the latter can deposit your support money in your bank account.

(3) Stamp. You'll purchase a stamp, at Ksh 100, to validate your request. The purchase is done ONCE per request, through Lipa Na M-pesa which doesn't require UlizaHOW? to collect any financial information from you.

UlizaHOW? thereby affirms that your personal information will be confidential and no any third party shall have access to it except your Generous-Funder.∎